Life Support BBQ to Zap It up at Food Truck Friday

Don’t let it shock you: Life Support BBQ is zapping up good eats at Food Truck Friday this year, passing out pulled pork sliders, mac and cheese, their classic meat mac, pork belly burnt ends ...

Little Wissota Bakehouse Launches Sourdough-Based Biz

I grew up during the early Wonder Bread Years. It was the bread that “builds strong bodies 12 ways” by stripping all the nutrients out and then re-enriching the bread with additives. But I grew up in California ...

Dhimiters Gets Saucy at Food Truck Friday

Dhimiters gyros began with a trip Vangjel Kapbardhi took to Germany. Kapbardhi stopped at the kabab stands to grab a donër — which is essentially the same as a gyro, he said. Once home, Kapbardhi recreated the donër and, thus, Dhimiters gyros was born. In addition ...

Eco Art & the Global Canvas

Footprints/Memories opens at the Pablo Center

What is our impact on the planet? Can we choose how we leave our mark? Footprints/Memories: Eco Art and the Global Canvas, the first-ever eco art exhibition at the Pablo Center at ...

UPDATE: Funds for UWEC Science Hall Back in Budget, Head to Governor

The state Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee has approved $109 million in funding for the first phase of a new science and health science building on the UW-Eau Claire campus. The facility, which would replace 50-year-old Phillips Science Hall, will cost an estimated ...

Jump-Start Could Launch Your Great Idea

If you’ve got an entrepreneurial dream, it’s time to get it off the ground with the help of the 15th Annual Jump-Start Downtown Business Competition sponsored by Downtown Eau Claire Inc. This business plan competition ...