Friends Indeed

preservation a priority for newly formed Friends of Putnam Park

In 1909, lumber baron and local philanthropist Henry Cleveland Putnam donated a 230-acre parcel of land to the City of Eau Claire, hoping the low-lying stretch would be preserved as a botanical laboratory ...

Expanding Your Boundaries

craving a canoe trip? here’s what you need to know about dipping a paddle into Minnesota’s Boundary Waters

If you’ve never been camping in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, it may seem a little daunting – even more so if you’re not much of a camper or outdoorsperson ...

Early Season, Later Life

reflections on trout fishing with a son – then and now

It was futile. A stinging April wind gusting across Timber Coulee Creek and my cataract-clouded eyes made threading a hair-thin tippet into the eye of a trout fly no larger than a peppercorn practically impossible ...

4 Local Sunrise Spots That'll Take Your Breath Away

Rise and shine, folks! The Valley is packed with adventures, and you’ll want to start yours early with something beautiful and easy to catch. You know what they say, the early bird gets an incredible view of the sunrise.