‘One Read Eau Claire’ Examines Hmong History
“One Read Eau Claire,” a monthly, community-wide book discussion series, will host three separate (and simultaneous) conversations about Jane Hamilton-Merritt’s Tragic Mountains: The Hmong, the Americans and the Secret Wars for Laos, 1942-1992. The events will be 1-3pm on Saturday, March 7, at these locations:
• Visit Eau Claire Experience Center (Pablo Center, 128 Graham Ave.): Dr. Selika Ducksworth-Lawton, UWEC history professor, and Dr. Ka Vang, associate director of UWEC’s McNair Program, will facilitate a discussion with emphasis on the Secret War and Vietnam War.
• Chippewa Valley Museum (at Carson Park): Dang Yang, director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs at UWEC, will facilitate a discussion with emphasis on culture and refugee experiences.
• L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library (400 Eau Claire St.): Khong Meng Her, assistant director of the Blugold Beginnings program at UWEC, will facilitate a discussion with emphasis on culture and refugee experiences.
Readers are feel to join any discussion group, and registration is not required. The yearlong “One Read Eau Claire” series is sponsored by UWEC, the City of Eau Claire, and United Bridges, a local civil rights organization. To learn more, search for “One Read Eau Claire” on Facebook.