10-10:30am Friday Feb. 28
10-10:30am Friday Feb. 28
noon-10pm Friday Feb. 28
Boasts several semi-competitive race events including drag racing, barrel racing, truck tug of war, and an insane oval course. Family activities, heated entertainment tent, and refreshments.
Rock Falls Raceway
Eau Claire
6:30-9pm Friday Feb. 28
7pm Friday Feb. 28
7:30-9:30pm Friday Feb. 28
7:30pm Friday Feb. 28
9pm Friday Feb. 28
9pm Friday Feb. 28
All DaySaturday Mar. 1
8-10am Saturday Mar. 1
9am-10pm Saturday Mar. 1
Boasts several semi-competitive race events including drag racing, barrel racing, truck tug of war, and an insane oval course. Family activities, heated entertainment tent, and refreshments.
Rock Falls Raceway
Eau Claire
10am-3pm Saturday Mar. 1
10:30-11am Saturday Mar. 1
11:15am-12:15pm Saturday Mar. 1
noon-4pm Saturday Mar. 1
The Brewing Projekt
Eau Claire
7pm Saturday Mar. 1
7pm Saturday Mar. 1
7:30-9:30pm Saturday Mar. 1
Grammy-winning pianist, Eau Claire’s own Geoffrey Keezer returns home to perform the world premiere of his new work
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
7:30-9:30pm Saturday Mar. 1
Blends the tasty soul and gospel sounds of the past, with the delectably sultry jazz ballad sound of an even earlier past.
The Heyde Center for the Arts
Chippewa Falls
7:30pm Saturday Mar. 1
1:30pm Sunday Mar. 2
2-4pm Sunday Mar. 2
2:30-6:30pm Sunday Mar. 2
Join DJ Scotty on Sundays (except during packers games) for classic rock oldies from the 50s-80s. Games, prizes, food, drinks, and more.
VFW Club 305
Eau Claire
9:30-10:45am Monday Mar. 3
3-5pm Monday Mar. 3
6-6:30pm Monday Mar. 3
Enjoy this community walk along the beautiful Chippewa River. Walk in mindful, peaceful silence for 20 minutes, and close with a fervent wish for peace in the world.
Riverfront Park
Chippewa Falls
6-7:30pm Monday Mar. 3
7-7:50am Tuesday Mar. 4
10-10:30am Tuesday Mar. 4
1-1:30pm Tuesday Mar. 4
6-6:50pm Tuesday Mar. 4
7-8:30pm Tuesday Mar. 4
7-9pm Tuesday Mar. 4
10-10:30am Wednesday Mar. 5
10:30-11:30am Wednesday Mar. 5
1-2:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
5:30-6:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
6:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
Eau Claire Ornithologist Steve Betchkal will lead virtual tour of Eau Claire, featuring good and bad landscaping
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall
Eau Claire
7-8:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
7-8:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
7-9pm Wednesday Mar. 5
7pm Wednesday Mar. 5
7:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
7:30pm Wednesday Mar. 5
9pm Wednesday Mar. 5
9:30-11am Thursday Mar. 6
6-7pm Thursday Mar. 6
6-7pm Thursday Mar. 6
A confidential and safe support group open to adults living with a mental illness or concern
Banbury Place Building #2D, Suite 301
Eau Claire
6-8:30pm Thursday Mar. 6
6:30-8pm Thursday Mar. 6
A confidential, safe group for friends and family members of someone living with a mental illness or concern.
Gillette Room in Banbury Place Building #2D
Eau Claire