Best of the Chippewa Valley

Reader Polls

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2022

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2023

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2024

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2025

Best Neighborhood

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Eau Claire Neighborhoods Map and Feature Stories

The Volume One Reader Poll offers no criteria when judging categories like “Best Neighborhood.” We assume voters factored in quality of parks, schools, cleanliness, friendliness, etc. But when looking at the data, one neighborhood feature outweighs all others: access to a Culver’s. In first place is Eau Claire’s Eastside Hill, with its Culver’s right on Brackett Avenue. Eau Claire’s West Side also has a Culver’s close by. And Eau Claire’s Third Ward? No Culver’s! You know what you need to do, Third Ward. –Eric Rasmussen