The story of the first-place winner begins with a dog named Bob. Since 2009, Bob’s House for Dogs (E3015 County Highway HH, Eleva) has been rescuing dogs in his name, providing a safe environment for canines in difficult circumstances. The Eau Claire County Humane Association (3900 Old Town Hall Road, Eau Claire) is also dedicated to make this world a better place for all animals to live. Their mission is to be the voice for animals and strive to help homeless animals find loving forever homes. Coming in third, Feed My People Food Bank (2610 Alpine Road, Eau Claire) distributes more than 7.5 million pounds of food to 125 hunger-relief agencies annually. Feed My People believes no one should go hungry and actively rescues food before it is destroyed so that it can be distributed to people who need it most. — Nealy Corcoran