Savvy Secrets for Job Hunters

We talked to Chippewa Valley experts about what it takes to land the job you want.

"Many job-seekers look at job postings and underestimate their ability to do a job. Perhaps it is because the position is in an industry they lack experience in or the position is not exactly in the area they were educated in. Those job-seekers should ..."

'I'm Glad You Fired Me'

losing an internship at age 20 has provided valuable life-long lessons

‘Today will be your last day.” These words randomly emerged from the recesses of my memory the other night. I was washing dishes and listening to a TED Talk. I was not feeling particularly nostalgic that evening, or thinking about anyone or anything in particular ...

Riding the Workforce Wave

retirement of Baby Boomers creates opportunities – and problems – for younger Chippewa Valley workers

True to its moniker, the Baby Boom generation is still making noise. This time, it’s in the local and national labor market. If you listen closely, the rumble you hear is the tectonic shift of this massive generation – which makes up about 30 percent of today’s workforce – entering retirement ...

Jump Start Your Heart, er, Business

An object in motion tends to stay in motion. That motion could be a ball rolling, a student working on a paper, or an entrepreneur looking to start a business. The only problem with this is getting that first major momentum ...

Picture of Success

Eau Claire photographer Molly Marie's business is pictures

EAU CLAIRE PHOTOGRAPHER MOLLY MARIE has found a successful niche of the photography business, specializing in women’s portraiture – glamor shots and boudoir – which can help women believe in their beauty. Her business has ...

Making the Leap

Does the Chippewa Valley offer the right climate for entrepreneurs?

Creating an entrepreneurial climate is a bit like skydiving. For success, first and foremost, you need people brave (or is that crazy?) enough to take the risk and jump out of an airplane. These people are the entrepreneurs. You also need ...

Resources & Tips For Job Hunters

“Less than 20 percent of people get jobs from the web. The best way to get a job is to network: make connections, go to events, call companies. Your network is your best job resource.” – Jessica Witte, UWEC Career Services ...

When the Right Skills Are Hard to Find

The good news: Jobs are out there. The bad news: Many workers don’t have the right skills.

If finding a job was a piece of cake, we would all be in a pretty good place. In a perfect world, jobs would be available for everyone – and everyone would be ready for a job. However, this is not the case. And just as some people might struggle ...

Where the Jobs Are is sponsored by:

Chippewa Valley
Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI

Where the Jobs Are is sponsored by:

Chippewa Valley
Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI