Picture of Success
Eau Claire photographer Molly Marie's business is pictures
EAU CLAIRE PHOTOGRAPHER MOLLY MARIE has found a successful niche of the photography business, specializing in portraiture – glamor shots and boudoir – which can help women believe in their beauty. Her business has continued to grow since it began in 2007 and now has two photographers, two makeup artists, and an office manager to its name, as well as an independent studio and office at 1602 Hogeboom Ave. Molly Marie also runs a blog helping other photographers develop their boudier businesses around the country. We asked Molly Marie about starting her business and for some pointers she might have for other entrepreneurs. Find more info on Molly Marie Photography at
MollyMariePhoto.com or on Facebook.
Was there a single moment that made you decide it was time to start your own business, or did you know for a long time?
I would say it was a series of events. My focus has always been art and photography based. Although I can’t pinpoint a certain moment I do think the fact that both of my parents own businesses (my mom a music school and my dad a plastics company) made my dream seem more obtainable. My love of portrait photography was always there and I just had to think of how I could turn what I loved into a career.
"I made the leap to bring on employees within my business, we make a great team and in turn are able to photograph and help more women believe in their beauty."What did it feel like to be in a studio space and office that was yours for the first time?
I made a lot of baby steps while growing my business. I started with an in-home office, I moved to a shared studio space in Banbury Place, and then I moved the to space I’m currently in. I remember the day I had that feeling of accomplishment once I was moved into my current space. It was summer and the sun was shining through the big south facing windows in my space. Everything was moved in, and in it’s place and I just sat in the middle of the studio in amazement that I had finally created the “vision” I had worked so many long days for. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.
What did you rely on for advice and help getting started? Local programs or organizations? Friends and family? The Internet?
I would say mostly the Internet, business friends (many of which I met through Eau Claire based networking groups, including the Women’s Business Conference), my amazing accountant (Pam from Biesterveld and Co) and of course my always encouraging family. I always allow for so much of my business budget to be spent on education; it’s so important to never stop learning and growing. There are so many great online courses for anything you’re looking to learn.
Did you have any concerns going into it that you realized wouldn’t be problems at all?
There were a number of people that actually scared me away from wanting to hire employees for the longest time. They made it seem like it was something only corporations could do, when that’s far from the truth. I’m so happy that I made the leap to bring on employees within my business, we make a great team and in turn are able to photograph and help more women believe in their beauty.
Anything else you’d like to share to perspective entrepreneurs?
If you’re serious about wanting to start a business I would suggest starting out with free online education. Google is your friend. As soon as you’ve created funds within your business and have some to spare seek out other entrepreneurs who do what you do well and pay them to mentor you. I’ve mentored with many photographers in and out of the state and it has always been money well spent. If you’re serious about learning and wanting to learn from the best then do not email them “wanting to pick their brain” and “get coffee.” If you’re wanting to learn from the best then they’re established and in turn really busy, making their time valuable. It will be worth the investment (but of course do your research and get reviews from others who have mentored with them), and you’ll be glad you did. Education and continuing education is key.
I’d also like to add to dream big! Anything is possible when you have the passion for it and a well thought out plan of action.