Movin' On Up
tips to help you move up the company ladder
Cliché alert: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
Most companies encourage continued education within their field, whether it be a seminar, college courses, or a full-on masters degree (some companies will even pay for you to do so).
Businesses looking for long-term employees like to know you have ties to the area (family, a house, friends, etc.) and aren’t just looking to jump to the next big city.
Exhibiting a leadership role is huge, whether it be helping train new employees or taking the reins on a new project.
Always be willing to take on something new. Showing you’re not afraid to leave the comfort zone of your skill set proves you’re ready for more responsibility.
Work well with others. It’s just a given.
Do your job better than anyone else in the company can. If your superiors believe that, you’re golden.
Create good relationships with all of your coworkers, not just superiors. When everyone is in your corner, you’ve got a team-oriented workplace environment.
Being thought of as social is good, so long as it doesn’t cross the line into distraction. It’s far more important to be thought of as hard working.
Take performance reviews seriously. Even if you disagree with something, really try to make an extra effort in the areas of improvement.