7pm Wednesday Apr. 30
7pm Wednesday Apr. 30
9pm Wednesday Apr. 30
9:30-11am Thursday May. 1
6-7pm Thursday May. 1
6-7pm Thursday May. 1
A confidential and safe support group open to adults living with a mental illness or concern
Banbury Place Building #2D, Suite 301
Eau Claire
6-8:30pm Thursday May. 1
6:30-8pm Thursday May. 1
A confidential, safe group for friends and family members of someone living with a mental illness or concern.
Gillette Room in Banbury Place Building #2D
Eau Claire
6:30-9pm Thursday May. 1
7pm Thursday May. 1
7:30pm Thursday May. 1
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
7:30pm Thursday May. 1
6:30-9pm Friday May. 2
7:30-9:30pm Friday May. 2
7:30pm Friday May. 2
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
7:30pm Friday May. 2
Based on the laugh-out-loud kids picture book by Drew Daywalt. The "true" origin story of three legendary warriors; rock, paper, and scissors.
The Oxford
Eau Claire
7:30pm Friday May. 2
Join UW-Eau Claire faculty for an evening of chamber music featuring American composers from the mid-20th century.
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
7:30pm Friday May. 2
9pm Friday May. 2
9pm Friday May. 2
8-10am Saturday May. 3
10am-4pm Saturday May. 3
Everything from setting up a still life and selecting the right drawing tools to mastering techniques and knowing when to stop.
The Heyde Center for the Arts
Chippewa Falls
11am Saturday May. 3
Based on the laugh-out-loud kids picture book by Drew Daywalt. The "true" origin story of three legendary warriors; rock, paper, and scissors.
The Oxford
Eau Claire
1:30pm Saturday May. 3
Based on the laugh-out-loud kids picture book by Drew Daywalt. The "true" origin story of three legendary warriors; rock, paper, and scissors.
The Oxford
Eau Claire
7:30pm Saturday May. 3
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
7:30pm Saturday May. 3
1:30pm Sunday May. 4
Pablo Center at the Confluence
Eau Claire
1:30pm Sunday May. 4
Based on the laugh-out-loud kids picture book by Drew Daywalt. The "true" origin story of three legendary warriors; rock, paper, and scissors.
The Oxford
Eau Claire
1:30pm Sunday May. 4
2:30-6:30pm Sunday May. 4
Join DJ Scotty on Sundays (except during packers games) for classic rock oldies from the 50s-80s. Games, prizes, food, drinks, and more.
VFW Club 305
Eau Claire
9:30-10:45am Monday May. 5
6-6:30pm Monday May. 5
Enjoy this community walk along the beautiful Chippewa River. Walk in mindful, peaceful silence for 20 minutes, and close with a fervent wish for peace in the world.
Riverfront Park
Chippewa Falls
6-7:30pm Monday May. 5
7-7:50am Tuesday May. 6
6-6:50pm Tuesday May. 6
7-8:30pm Tuesday May. 6
10:30-11:30am Wednesday May. 7
noon-3pm Wednesday May. 7
The Heyde Center for the Arts
Chippewa Falls
1-2:30pm Wednesday May. 7
6:30-7:30pm Wednesday May. 7
Yin yoga is a slow style of yoga that focuses on holding passive poses for an extended period. Meditation cultivates a sense of inner peace, clarity, and presence.
The Kaleidoscope Wellness Studio
Eau Claire
7-8:30pm Wednesday May. 7
7pm Wednesday May. 7
7:30pm Wednesday May. 7
9pm Wednesday May. 7
9:30-11am Thursday May. 8
noon-3pm Thursday May. 8
The Heyde Center for the Arts
Chippewa Falls
1-2:30pm Thursday May. 8
6-8:30pm Thursday May. 8
6:30-9pm Thursday May. 8
7pm Thursday May. 8
6:30-9pm Friday May. 9