3 Takeaways: Fitbit Names Eau Claire One of America’s Fittest Cities
As they (apparently) do every year, international fitness gizmo manufacturer Fitbit had researchers look at data from over 10 million Fitbit users nationwide, taking into account the following metrics:
• Duration of sleep per night
• Daily Reminders to Move goals met
• Daily steps
• Daily active minutes
• Resting heart rate
And they’ve used that data for a ranking of the Fittest Cities in America. And as it shakes out, Eau Claire came in at number 3. Some takeaways:
1. Wisconsin did OK!
We had 3 Sconnie cities in Fitbit’s top 6 “fittest” cities ...
1. Duluth, MN
2. Appleton, WI
3. Eau Claire, WI
4. Boulder, CO
5. Bellingham, WA
6. Madison, WI
2. Eau Claire sleeps the bestest
With an average of 7 hours, 6 minutes and 43 seconds per night, Eau Claire’s Fitbit users slept the most of all cities in the study. Here’s a somewhat hilarious graphic:
3. We were #4 in steppin' out
“Fitbit users in Appleton, Wisconsin are the highest steppers, averaging 8,208 a day, and Green Bay, Wisconsin took the second slot. Two cities in Minnesota also made the top 10: Duluth, No. 3, and Rochester, No. 8.”
1. Appleton, WI
2. Green Bay, WI
3. Duluth, MN
4. Eau Claire, WI
5. Boston, MA