Make sure your pooch has a pleasant summer

Max Grones

Some dogs have no trouble keeping cool.
Some dogs have no trouble keeping cool during the summer.

We all want what's best for our four-legged canine friends, but according to Buffalo News many well-meaning dog owners may be putting their furry companions in danger with summer activities.

Simple things like taking fido for a jog with you can lead to burnt paws from the asphalt and deadly cases of heatsroke. Most dogs will work to keep up with their masters no matter how hot and exhausted they feel. Veterinarian Janet Tobiassen Crosby recommends exercising dogs early in the morning or after sunset.

One summer activity to leave the dogs home for is fireworks. Fireworks can cause tons of undue stress on a dog which can lead to physical and behavioral problems such as hair loss and agressive behavior.

With careful planning and vigilance summer can be as fun for dogs as their owners.  So keep those canines safe, cool and hydrated.