So Hoppy Together

rabbits are America's third most-popular pet. longtime bunny lover Jennifer Hoffman tells us why.

Jennifer Hoffman has been in love with rabbits ever since she got one as a pet while stationed in Hawaii with the Army 17 years ago. Seeking a small household companion that wasn’t a cat (she’s allergic), she found a bunny in a pet store. “It was love at first sight,” she explains. Her first rabbit ...

Veterinary Visitors

voyaging vet service comes right to pet owners' doors

When pet owners need to get shots or other medical treatments for Fido or Fluffy, their options are usually limited to squeezing angry, anxious furballs into carriers and listening to them howl and yowl all the way to the veterinary office and back. The experience can be unpleasant for animals and humans alike. But what if – like the fabled ...

Doggone Better

the canine components of Mayo’s Paws Force help stressed patients, family members, and caregivers

Bella and Teddy, two little white fido furballs of fun, and their owners have experienced firsthand the benefits of pet therapy – for patient, pet, and volunteer – at Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire. More pets and volunteers are needed now that Mayo’s Paws Force program is expanding to Mayo’s Barron, Bloomer, Menomonie ...

Get Your Dog Tagged!

surprisingly few pet owners license their animals –and that’s a problem

I’ll be the first to admit I’m a procrastinator, and paying for my pet licenses is no exception. I had months to send a check to the city of Eau Claire, but as usual I waited until just a few days before the March 31 deadline to schlep down to ...

On-the-Go Grooming

mobile service brings the fur fixing to your door

Don’t want to truck your dirty, unkempt, or otherwise in-need-of-grooming pooch to the doggie salon? Don’t have time to squeeze a visit to the dog groomer between your other errands? A local pet professional has a unique solution ...

Life-saving Mission

Eau Claire vets travel to treat Honduran pets

On a recent World Vets mission trip, a Peace Corp volunteer entered the makeshift clinic carrying a stray puppy named Feaita. The villagers had given the puppy the moniker – meaning “ugly girl” – and chased her away ...

See Spot ... Sing?

Y’all like music, right? But have you ever wondered if your pets like music too? What are their favorite genres – classical, rock ‘n’ roll, inde? It turns out animals do like music, or at least they respond to it emotionally. And thanks to ...

Before adopting your four-legged friend

There’s nothing like a bringing home a new bundle of furry joy. Picking out a cat or dog to adopt is an exciting decision and one that should be taken seriously. A few years ago, my (not entirely sober) friend brought home a kitten from ...

5 advanced tricks for your dog

This article assumes that your dog is a seasoned pro at the basics, and out of pure boredom and lack of challenge has begged you, his owner, to find something worth his time.

What's your pet thinking?

Pets. They're always looking at you, biting you, or eating your unmentionables. But how can you tell what they're up to? This list of body sign language will help you get a grip on where your pet is at on an emotional level.