Winter is for Everyone:
A Lawn Game Good for Winter, Too
With three big events held in Eau Claire each year (one of which is the nation’s regional championship), chances are you’ve seen people throwing wooden blocks in a nearby park or you’ve heard a local person utter the word “Kubb” (pronounced Koo-b).
The Nordic lawn game sort of combines the gameplay of horseshoes, bowling, chess, and beer pong. Though it is typically played on green grass in summertime, the game is likewise a ton of fun in winter. Listen to the beckoning call of the glistening piles of snow in your yard and get your whole family or group of friends outside for a game of this sweet Swedish game. If you are unfamiliar with kubb, its time to familiarize!
Kubb can have any number of players set on two teams. It basically involves throwing wooden sticks in order to knock over the other team’s kubbs (wooden stake things). The goal is to knock these stakes down first in order to get to the king. If you knock the king down before all your opponents other kubbs, you loose.
Though it was once popularized among Vikings, in recent years kubb has gained a ton of popularity locally. The world championships are held in Sweden, and the UK’s Bristol has a big tournie every year, but the regional and national championships will both be played in humble ole’ Eau Claire in 2010.
So you better get movin’ if you want to make it big. Luckily the local kubb-ers plan a winter event every year to help you get familiarized. Come play on Saturday, February 6, from noon to 2pm at Boyd Park for the Third Annual Kubb Winter Friendly. This is not a tournament, but a friendly gathering of people who are interested in learning and playing the game. Beginners are welcome and there is no cost involved.