Label-Free Mindfulness

collaboration bringing Zen Buddhists to a Christian church shows benefits of meditative practice regardless of spiritual affiliation

When people think of “mindfulness,” they may associate it with a particular religious or spiritual path, such as Buddhism. But in Menomonie, a seemingly unlikely alliance has brought about the creation ...

Mindfulness in the Classroom

students, teachers say meditative practice improves kids’ lives

Mindfulness, one of the many forms of meditation, is gaining recognition in educational systems throughout the world. In the Chippewa Valley, there are many teachers either applying formal mindfulness skills or skills such as deep breathing to help students be more ...

11 Steps To Mindfulness

for super busy folks, living life to the fullest may mean doing less

The idea of being mindful – being present, being more conscious of life as it happens – seems a bit impossible to many of the super busy.But not only is it possible, I’d submit that it’s desirable, and that it’ll help the busy (and non-busy) achieve their goals and enjoy life more fully. If you are the super-busy type ...

Happy, Mindful Employees

local companies factor mindfulness into normal business practices

When we feel threatened, our brains are naturally inclined to set off a full-scale panic response, better known as “fight or flight.” While this reactionary state once aided us in handling, oh, I don’t know maybe a bear-sized hyena, it does little to help us with what we would consider stress today – like hitting “reply all” on an office email ...

Staying in the Moment

mindfulness expert Ann Brand sounds off on its many benefits

Many of us rush through our days mindlessly going from one place to another as part of a routine, without enjoying the experiences we partake in, and totally unaware of the remarkable things happening right in front of us. Then something happens – an accident, for example – and we are forced to slow down ...

Mindful on Campus

counseling at UWEC includes meditation workshops and sessions

On a bulletin board in a hallway of the Old Library building at UW-Eau Claire is a small white piece of paper with black print stating times when students, faculty, and staff are invited to practice Mindfulness Meditation. Lynn Wilson, director ...

Group Mind

locals regularly meditate together

Sometimes the best way to escape the chaos in your mind is to get inside your head. For more than 10 years, the Eau Claire Buddhist Sangha, a local meditation group, has been inviting community members to join in their free meditation class, held ...

The Midday Reset

a few minutes of relaxation can provide daylong benefits

Research shows you can make yourself more alert and improve your mood and cognitive functioning with a “midday reset.” When we restart a bogged-down computer, the internal operating system works better. Putting aside five to 20 minutes around ...

Her Holistic Way of Healing

a certified ophthalmologist gets meditative to nourish the spirit

If someone had told me a few weeks ago they could ease my stress and muscle pain by playing a Tibetan singing bowl, I would’ve called them crazy straight to their face. Fortunately for me, ophthalmologist, reiki master, and yoga teacher ...

What Is Mindfulness?

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness have infused our pop-culture. Even if you have not partaken in these practices, you may recognize yoga poses happening in a yogurt commercial or Buddha jokes in a print ad. Acupuncture has a place in chiropractic ...