10 Top Tips for Job Hunters

Regardless of the unemployment rate, finding the right job can be a challenge. Volume One reached out to these Chippewa Valley experts and organizations to help compile this job hunters’ guide. Keep in mind ...

Hot Jobs for the Future

Looking for work? Here are the region’s high-paying, high-growth occupations.

Summer is a time for hot temperatures, hot blockbuster flicks, and hot summer jams. But what are the hot jobs you should be getting your résumé ready for? Economists from the state Department of Workforce ...

Removing Work Barriers

UW-Stout Is Home to Vocational Rehabilitation Institute

When his father lost his sight from diabetic complications and ended up using a wheelchair because he didn’t know how to use an assistive cane, Kyle Walker learned firsthand the impact a disability can ...

What’s Your Side Hustle?

Uber, Lyft, other apps offer workers extra cash, flexible hours

Younger generations are glued to their phones – or at least that’s how the stereotype goes. But, the folks who grew up with cellphones and the Internet have upgraded more than just ...

Eau Claire Earns Less but Has More

We’ve got a lot of things going for us in the Chippewa Valley: natural beauty, friendly people, plentiful beer. Unemployment is low, and so is the cost of living. And now, according to some number-crunchers ...

Wisconsin Lacks ‘Brain Gain’

state lags in attracting college educated workers from elsewhere

Wisconsin’s higher education system plays an essential role in the state’s overall economy: Educated workers are essential to a future with competitive wages, innovative industry, and entrepreneurial ...

Students Explore the World of STEM

CVTC camp offers fun way to learn science, engineering

Evan Eslinger manipulated the remote control and tried to keep the car under control while going as fast as possible around a corner of the track. It made sense that he was chosen to be his team’s driver ...

Jobs by the Numbers (2018)

It’s easy to get snow blindness from the blizzard of employment numbers you hear on the news. Unemployment statistics are updated monthly, sometimes get adjusted when new data comes in, and they constantly ...

The Shifting Job Landscape

UW-Stout speaker: Industry, education need to work together to meet labor needs

With an increase in contract workers and robots, the work landscape is ever changing, according to James R. Stone III, director of the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education at the Southern Regional Education Board in Atlanta ...

Where the Jobs Are is sponsored by:

Chippewa Valley
Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI

Where the Jobs Are is sponsored by:

Chippewa Valley
Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI