Can I Recycle That?

dos and don’ts about what to put in the blue bin and what to pitch

If you’re taking the time to read this section of the magazine, you undoubtedly are the kind of person who takes pains to separate your recyclables from your trash. You rinse and sort. ...

Trying to Clear the Air

UWEC research team works to improve air quality along Lake Michigan shoreline

A faculty-student team of Blugold researchers is helping scientists better understand how ozone is produced over Lake Michigan, findings that could help communities and industries in three states identify strategies for improving air quality ...

How Does Your Solar Garden Grow?

Xcel’s sun-powered project ready to rise in Eau Claire

During the latter half of summer, gardens across the state flourish, and the solar garden being built across from Xcel Energy’s Wisconsin headquarters in Eau Claire will be no exception ...

First Choice Is a Green Choice

award-winning company keeps your electronic junk out of the landfill

Fifteen years ago, Greg and Bobbie DeVoll came across a newspaper article about how computer and electronic refuse was going to be the next big waste concern for the United States because of harmful materials ...

Red Cedar Watershed Gets the Blues

program explores social aspects of reducing blue-green algae woes

Local and regional partners in a new collaborative effort led by UW-Stout, the state Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are ready ...

Helping the City Sustain the Effort

college interns aid city with environmental projects

UW-Eau Claire environmental studies students are working toward a greener Eau Claire community while simultaneously getting a valuable internship opportunity ...

Catching Some Renewable Rays

utility providers connect with solar revolution

Five hundred years ago, the realization that the sun was at the center of our solar system revolutionized science. Today, another revolution is taking place, and once again the sun is at the center ...

Go Green is sponsored by:

Xcel Energy
Eau Claire

Go Green is sponsored by:

Xcel Energy
Eau Claire