Raise a Glass to the Return of E.C. Earth Week Open House
JONAH Environmental Task Force set to introduce Eau Claire's first plastic-free pledge
Evelyn Nelson, photos by Torianna Lindert

Following a successful debut in 2023, the Earth Week Open House will return to the Brewing Projekt (1807 N. Oxford Ave.) with an expanded vendor list and dynamic activities to raise awareness about environmental movements in the Valley.
From 4pm to 8pm on Thursday, April 25, returning organizers including the JONAH Environmental Task Force, Eau Claire County, and Beaver Creek Reserve will offer all ages activities to showcase the evolution of initiatives brought to last year’s event.
Sue Waits, chair of the JONAH Environmental Task Force, said this year will emphasize Eau Claire’s sustainable transit alternatives through live demonstrations and a Q&A with city officials.
“I am excited to see the ways that this is expanding just beyond this Earth Week event in particular,” Waits said. “There are free bus rides to the event and Eau Claire Transit is going to have a bus in the parking lot to answer questions.”
“It may look overwhelming - however, taking one action at a time, building that habit, and then committing to another action can feel more manageable and be more sustainable. Remember, progress over perfection.” –Plastic Free Pledge
In addition to transportation, the event will also welcome a new pledge to address the waste crisis in Eau Claire and encourage community members to consider divestment from single-use plastics.
The Eau Claire Plastic-Free Pledge, written by the JONAH Environmental Task Force, outlines a list of commitments an individual, household, or business can pledge to reduce their single-use plastic intake and consumption.
The commitments include refusing plastic straws, bags, cups, utensils, and water bottles, along with responsibly disposing of plastic film, batteries, electronic waste, and chemicals during designated Clean Sweep events hosted by the Eau Claire County Recycling Program.

“It may look overwhelming – however, taking one action at a time, building that habit, and then committing to another action can feel more manageable and be more sustainable. Remember, progress over perfection,” the pledge states.
Kathy Campbell, chair of JONAH’s Reduce Plastic Bags committee, finds inspiration from the success of other notable plastic-free pledges across the state. Collaboration with Plastic-Free Milwaukee has offered insights into where Eau Claire’s pledge can be implemented across all community levels.
“We have to change ourselves and in the process, change the system,” Campbell said. “We all need to help make our leaders in our community and our state more aware of this commitment — there's a public will to make change.”
Eau Claire’s Plastic-Free Pledge will be available to complete through a scannable QR code at select vendor booths throughout the open house event.
Learn more about the open house at jonahjustice.org/event/earth-day-open-house.