Best of the Chippewa Valley

Reader Polls

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2022

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2023

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2024

The Best of the Chippewa Valley 2025

Best Beach

Is there sand in my eyes or am I seeing this right?! Big Falls County Park (600 Big Falls Forest Road, Fall Creek) claimed first on the list for best beach once again! It must be the timeless beauty of nature that leaves people wanting more. Now, from the South Side of Lake Wissota to reclaiming second is Ray’s Beach (18124 County Hwy. X, Chippewa Falls). It’s sticking to the hearts of the community, like the sand inside your swimsuit! And finally, back again in third is Lake Wazee (N6302 Brockway Road, Black River Falls). Whether you’re looking to canoe/kayak, swim, or lounge, this beach is nothing but fun in the sun.  –Reonna Huettner