Film Series Shows 'Fresh' World Viewpoints
FRESH Films is a four part film series at UW-Eau Claire that begins with the film “Chasing Ice” on Monday, March 4. This film was shot by National Geographic photographer James Balog. For years, Balog recorded glaciers all around the world in order to show how they are changing in a time lapse style video. This stunning film is one way that the Student Office of Sustainability is trying to educate the community of Eau Claire. “Sustainability-related films teach about the importance of human behavior and the Earth by showing us viewpoints of the world that can be hard to see in day-to-day life,” Amanda Schibline, an intern at the Student Office of Sustainability said, “News reports told us it is happening, but to actually see it is to feel it. That is what the Student Office of Sustainability’s objective for FRESH Films is.” All films within the FRESH Films series begin at 7pm, are completely free to the public, and are shown in the Woodland Theater in the Davies Center. Each film will also be followed by a speaker on that topic.