How to Enhance Your Brand

identify the distinctive qualities of the organization

V1 Staff

It begins with identifying the distinctive qualities of the organization that create a connection between employer and employee – qualities that make people love working there.

• Does your organization have a concrete, common understanding of its vision, mission, and strategic goals – along with an understanding of the talent required to fulfill those goals?
• Do you have an understanding of what makes the culture and work style unique? Can you predict what types of people/personalities are most likely to thrive in your company?

• Is there a plan in place along with adequate infrastructure to assess and create the optimal work experience for all employees?

 • Do you understand the true drivers of engagement among the different populations that make up your workforce?

Where the Jobs Are is sponsored by:

Chippewa Valley
Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI

Where the Jobs Are is sponsored by:

Chippewa Valley
Technical College

620 W. Clairemont Ave
Eau Claire, WI