Opening LettersJanuary 10, 2025 COLUMN: You Call That Progress?! when a 90-something dad gets a smartphone
Opening Letters COLUMN: Get Up and Swim before families hit the water, Fairfax Pool belongs to smart people dumb enough to swim laps May 17, 2024
Opening Letters COLUMN: Speedy Recovery a nod to the many, many Chippewa Valley healthcare workers who’ve helped me along the way January 29, 2024
Opening LettersDecember 28, 2023 COLUMN: Finder’s Keepers connections within a community can be made in many ways – bookmarks included
Opening Letters COLUMN: The (Un)Expected Payoff uncovering what is more important: the journey or the result December 14, 2023
Opening Letters COLUMN: Learning the Difference Between ‘Love’ and ‘Romance’ Casablanca, Los Angeles, and a what some long-ago newlyweds learned October 5, 2023
Opening Letters COLUMN: Tomorrow Plants cultivating abundance through tomatoes, memories, and summer feasts September 7, 2023
Opening LettersMay 19, 2023 COLUMN: Thought for Food pondering food, family traditions, and one last pint of ice cream with Grandma
Opening Letters COLUMN: Finding Your Footing the world is a lot less scary when you have someone there to help guide the way February 23, 2023