Sports Wellness News

Courtney Spaeth Is a Superwoman Among Us

E.C. gym owner places third in international bodybuilding event in Tokyo, is the first Team USA female to podium in her division

Justine Batz |

Courtney Spaeth on the competition stage
Courtney Spaeth on the competition stage. (Submitted photo)

While the majority of us were snug in our beds on cold winter’s the week before Christmas, Courtney Spaeth was taking the podium in Japan as third in the world for natural bodybuilding, the crowning achievement to her tireless devotion and tenacious perseverance to her craft.

A longtime resident of the Chippewa Valley, Courtney graduated from Western Technical College in La Crosse and worked for 20 years as a director of rehab before purchasing Fitness Freedom in downtown Eau Claire in 2022. Courtney had friends who were in the bodybuilder circuit and always felt curious about it, but it wasn’t until a serious injury in 2015 restricting her physical activity that she started looking more seriously at bodybuilding.

With her background as a physical therapist, she knew that staying strong, developing good eating and sleeping habits and getting back on track physically would all be beneficial for independence and health toward aging. “I know how important it is to stay strong as we age to stay independent and healthy,” she said.

If you want to make changes you have TO stay consistent day in and day out.

Courtney spaeth



Courtney wasted no time after her injury in 2015 and started training for her first competition in February 2015. These days, her workouts consist of lifting for one to two hours five or six times a week, daily 15-45 minute cardio workouts, and (when competitions are close) 20-30 minute posing workouts. Food is both the most important and the most difficult part of training, she says: Courtney prepares it ahead of time each week and gives credit to her husband, Tony, for making sure it isn’t boring or bland. “He loves to cook and makes me the most amazing dishes,” she says. “If you eat ‘blah,’ you won’t stick to it long term, and this shouldn’t be a yo-yo diet like anything else.”

Courtney Spaeth working out at Fitness Freedom in Eau Claire.
Courtney Spaeth working out at Fitness Freedom in Eau Claire.

Courtney’s main focus is on natural bodybuilding – meaning she doesn’t use performance-enhancing drugs. Being a natural athlete is important to her, but when she entered the competition circuit, she competed against even “enhanced” athletes and still did very well. She earned her International Fitness and Bodybuilding Federation (IFBB) Pro card in 2023 after competing nationally in Texas and placed second in her height class. In 2024 she decided to give the international IFBB a try; the difference on the international stage is that all athletes would be natural. Last August she earned her qualification to compete in Tokyo. She was sponsored by Team USA and went on to compete at the world level in December.

“I was ecstatic to bring home third place in the Masters Body fitness division and was the first female for the United States to ever make the podium at this event!” she said.

Since she returned home, you can find Courtney back at Fitness Freedom, where she trains and encourages a variety of clients from beginners who don’t know where to start to the solo lifters and bodybuilders she is starting on their own journeys. She said her biggest lesson learned in and out of competition and the gym is consistency: “If you want to make changes you have stay consistent day in and day out.”