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New Grown Up Story-Telling Series Comes to V1 Gallery

Thom Fountain |

We all know that one girl or guy who can capture the attention of an entire party with some anecdote, epic or mundane, wrapped into a perfect story. It takes good plot development, an exciting personality, and a few intangibles to make a storyteller dynamic. Volume One hopes to bring a handful of those people into a room three Thursday nights in December for its new adult storytelling series, Let’s Be Honest. The event – which runs Dec. 5, Dec. 12, and Dec. 19 beginning at 7pm in the Volume One Gallery, 205 N. Dewey St. – features five to seven performers each night telling stories on a theme and is modeled after the popular national event and podcast The Moth. Themes through December range from winter weather to the holidays and include a special night on Dec. 12 which partners with the Eau Claire Improv Festival and presents stories on the theme, Thinking On Your Feet.