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Visual Voice

Visual/Voice Ep. 9: Andy Patrie: Bringing Balance to the Universe

one local dad learns the power of diffusing tricky situations … through dad jokes

Andrew Patrie |

No matter the tricky situations facing local writer and dad Andy Patrie, he always has at least one good “dad joke” up his sleeve. And when it comes to dealing with bullies antagonizing his transgender daughter, Simone, those dad jokes don’t change a single bit. In fact, they can create balance in a chaotic, messy, frustrating, hurtful, scary world. This is the ninth installment of “Visual/Voice,” which features some of the best writers in the region visually vocalizing their words that appear in our pages.

This is the nine installment of “Visual/Voice,” which features some of the best writers in the region visually vocalizing their words that appear in our pages.