Volume One Staff

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Ma Vue

Video & Photo Director

Ma Vue joined Volume One as the Video Producer in April 2022 with over nine years of experience producing, shooting and editing television commercials, digital videos and theater advertisements. Ma’s appreciation for the art of visual storytelling—along with his entrepreneurial spirit—has landed him opportunities working on video projects with many recognizable Western Wisconsin businesses and organizations. His experience ranges from chasing wild turkeys off film sets as a Production Assistant to producing and directing television commercials for mass distribution.

Ma was born and raised in Eau Claire and graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Madison with a B.A. in Film, TV, and Radio. After a stint in Milwaukee working on various Film and Television productions, he came back home to Eau Claire where he grew his commercial freelancing.

Ma is a recovering introvert and believes strongly in community and the arts. He enjoys deep conversations and building connections with his peers. For leisure, he enjoys thrifting, watching documentaries, and working on one of his many horror screenplays; surrounded by his house plants.

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