Listen Up to This Musical Exhibit
Chippewa Valley Museum explores musical traditions
Rebecca Mennecke, photos by Andrea Paulseth |
Listen in on the Chippewa Valley Museum’s cacophonous exhibit, “Listen Up! Folk Music in the Valley,” which is on display through Sept. 25. This original exhibit explores music traditions ranging from lumberjack tunes to Tierra Caliente music performed by contemporary Mexican immigrants.
The exhibit delves into more than simply sound; it explores rich diversity in cultures and ethnic traditions, including Scandinavian, German, Polish, Ojibwe, Mexican, Somali, and Hmong cultural groups.
Some of the key artifacts include a rare female fiddler’s original violin; song lyrics written in 1998 for Pagnia Xiong – a pop musician who grew up in Eau Claire; a wooden flute used by Frank Montano, an Ojibwe flute maker and musician; stage clothes from La Realeza Del Sur – a Tierra Caliente band from Oaxacan, Mexico; as well as artifacts from the one and only Justin Vernon of Bon Iver.
Check out the closing evening of this exhibit on Saturday, Sept. 25, with a free concert by Sliced Bread Jug Band. Bring your own seats, and enjoy some of Ramone’s Ice Cream Parlor’s delicious ice cream.
The “Listen Up! Folk Music in the Valley” exhibit is available for daily viewing during museum hours and on Sept. 25 from 12pm to 5pm.
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