Another Eau Claire Brewery?
Beer lovers, keep your ears to the ground. A mysterious new entity has crept up called the Eau Claire Brewing Project, which is looking to operate a nanobrewery in downtown Eau Claire, possibly coming as soon as this winter. Now, I know what you’re thinking and, no, a nanobrewery is not a brewery for ants. A nanobrewery is a small, self-sustaining organization that brews and serves small batches all in one space. According to their Facebook page the Eau Claire Brewing Project would specifically look to create, “wacky/weird/original/one-off/oddity” beers, as well as some more normal session beers. The group is looking for a brewer and they're currently going through the application process to get everything hunky-dory with the officials – hopefully we’ll hear more from then soon. You can follow updates at their Facebook page: