Want a Cool Job?
There are those that actually work AT Volume One - about eight to ten fully paid (and pampered) staff members who punch the clock every morning at the V1 World Headquarters in downtown Eau Claire. These people do a lot of what our contributors do, but they also have the challenging tasks of pulling all our projects together, meeting various deadlines, making sure the bills get paid, and cleaning out the fridge from time to time. Their jobs include writing/editing, website editing/administration, advertising sales, graphic design, operations/development, and more. If this is something you think you might be interested in now or in the future, be sure to start a dialogue with someone at the office about it, and/or email Nick at nick@volumeone.org. There may not be any openings at this exact moment, but we’re always growing and changing, so things can pop up. Don’t hesitate to ask about it.