Are America's Best Days Ahead?

Nick Meyer |

I sure hope every last one of you watched President Obama’s speech to congress Tuesday night – because it was one of the finest political presentations in decades. I don’t consider myself easily swayed, but I’d never seen anything like it. And despite these terrible economic conditions, I'm now feeling pretty good about where we can go from here. From what seemed like a slight bit of pessimism from his public words over the past several weeks, tonight Obama delivered a message of soaring (but realistic) optimism that I don’t recall hearing from a president … ever. No fear, no scare tactics, but real goals and real ideas – all drenched in staggering ambition. The top three priorities? Massive renewal and unprecedented progress in energy, healthcare, and education. Big, big talk. Can he and congress do it all? Can WE do it all? We’re in the midst of one of the greatest political and cultural dramas of modern day society – and every one of us is playing a role.