Events Wellness

Inspiring Hope: A Retreat for Women Touched by Cancer

taking time to support the mind, body, and spirit

Gracyn Leukam |

A WEEKEND GETAWAY. The Inspiring Hope Cancer Retreat is hosting its inaugural event at the end of November. (Photo via Unsplash)
A WEEKEND GETAWAY. The Inspiring Hope Cancer Retreat is hosting its inaugural event at the end of November. (Photo via Unsplash)

The Inspiring Hope Cancer Retreat is an event for women whose lives have been impacted by cancer. The weekend-long retreat will be centered around sharing stories, self-care, mindfulness, and fun! Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed or are in remission, everyone impacted by cancer is welcome to attend. The retreat will be held Nov. 24-26 at the Willow Rose Retreat Center (6015 Arndt Lane, Eau Claire).

Presenters will offer a variety of holistic therapies, healing modalities, and educational sessions. One of the presenters is a survivor, one currently has cancer, and a couple are businesses with helpful resources for cancer patients. There will also be spa treatments and creative activities to support healing and physical well-being. Everything from comfortable lodging and healthy meals will be included.

“Stephanie and I both realized there is not a local support group that helps with bridging the gap between the medical and emotional sides of cancer.”



The hosts, Laura Ellingboe, an oncology massage therapist and owner of Paradise Massage in Eau Claire, and Stephanie Miller, a cancer doula, hope that this retreat is the first of many. “Stephanie and I both realized there is not a local support group that helps with bridging the gap between the medical and emotional sides of cancer,” Ellingboe said.

Another retreat is planned for May 2024 and they hope to continually offer them twice a year.

With the holidays right around the corner, this retreat could make a great gift. “It can be so hard to think of meaningful gifts when your loved one is going through this scary and often lonely journey,” Ellingboe said. “Perhaps this cancer retreat would be just what they need at this time.”

The weekend-long retreat’s cost is $525 per person. It’s preferred that the attendees be at least 18 years of age. Should a minor be interested in attending, contact the hosts prior to registering.

“Cancer is a life-changing experience that doesn’t have to be gone through alone,” Ellingboe said.

For more information or to sign up, head to the Inspiring Hope Cancer Retreat website.