Staff Notes

FROM THE EDITOR: Back On Track – Volume One Returns to Two-Week Issue Cycle

from Volume One publisher Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer

When Volume One was first launched in 2002 by a ragtag group of early 20-somethings, we were a small, black-and-white, newsprint magazine dropped once a month in roughly 50 spots around the community. Then, in 2006, the publication was redesigned, staff were hired, and we more than doubled our yearly number of issues created, to 26 each year. Since that time, Volume One chugged along, growing and changing with community news, arts, culture, and more – all packed into print issues dropped at roughly 400 locations every two weeks. It was a streak unbroken until March of 2020, when things got ... a little wonky. 

Well today we're happy to report that we're back on track. Thanks to incredible support from readers, advertisers, and the community at large, in 2022, we're officially returning to our two-week publication schedule, up from the every-three-week plan we've been on over the last year and a half. This means ore timely content, more coverage of community happenings, more themed content, more event listings, and well, just a little more of everything – both in the print edition and online every day at 

So keep your eyes peeled for new print issues a bit more often in the New Year. And thank you again to everyone who's played a role in helping this happen. We deeply appreciate it, and look forward to better days ahead. 

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