Visual Art News

200 Main Art & Wine Gallery Will Close, But Owners Will Keep the Art Flowing

‘I get emotional when thinking of all the amazing people we’ve met on this gallery journey,’ says owner Jo Ellen Burke

Rebecca Mennecke, photos by Taylor Smith |

Owner Jo Ellen Burke, right, is shown in her gallery, 200 Main, pre-pandemic.
Owner Jo Ellen Burke, right, is shown in her gallery, 200 Main, pre-pandemic.

Since its opening in 2017, 200 Art & Wine in downtown Eau Claire has been a labor of love.

It has showcased dozens of artists from around the Chippewa Valley, paired perfectly with wine and beer. And though owners Terry Meyer and Jo Ellen Burke plan to close the beloved downtown gallery at the end of April, it’s not the end of their support for the Chippewa Valley art scene.

“We’re not going anywhere,” Burke said. “We believe in the critical role the arts play in making our community great.”

The decision to close the gallery’s doors was not an easy one, but one made imminent by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the artistic duo don’t have employees and don’t pay themselves, they didn’t qualify for many loans or grants. “It was indeed difficult,” Burke said, “since we’ve poured our hearts and souls into this endeavor, learning so much and loving all of the people we’ve met, the art we’ve shared, and the events we’ve held.”

It was indeed difficult, since we’ve poured our hearts and souls into this endeavor, learning so much and loving all of the people we’ve met, the art we’ve shared, and the events we’ve held.



It’s not all sour news for Meyer and Burke, though, as Burke’s daughter is expecting her first child, and they look forward to starting a new chapter as grandparents. “It tends to shift one’s universe a bit,” the couple shared in an email announcing the gallery’s closure, “and new priorities will foster more creativity and love than ever! We are not inclined to be idle people, and plan to be part of this creative city for a long time!”

Burke will continue her spearheading efforts as part of the Eau Claire Public Arts Council, and will act as a visual instructor at this summer’s Midwest Artist Academy.

The gallery will have a 20% off sale on all art from March 1 to March 15 (in store and online) Wednesdays through Fridays from 3-6pm.

“I get emotional when thinking of all of the amazing people we’ve met on this ‘gallery journey,’ ” Burke said. “That’s the best part of it all. We’ve made friends who we will always have, and are so very grateful to the 40+ artists, authors, and musicians who entrusted us with their stunning work.”

Find 200 Main Art & Wine online at