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Editor's Notes

What Makes for a Good Chippewa Valley Day?

Nick Meyer |

Every once in a while you have one of those amazing Chippewa Valley days where you’re reminded just how good we have it around here – the kind of day when you’re repeatedly rewarded with cool experiences brought about by the dedication of those working hard to make this place better. For me, those days are often a healthy mix of both work and play, spent with family as well as with co-workers and friends. In my world one of those days was Friday, July 7. So, if you will, join me on a quick day-in-the-life story…  It started early with a 6am arrival at Volume One to prepare for an hour-long 7am interview on Wisconsin Public Radio about the “cultural renaissance” taking hold in Eau Claire – a great exploration of where we’re heading as a community. After that it was a beautiful morning drive to Eleva and the fun Schultz Country Barn to pick up some cool “old stuff” for a future Local Store project. Back at the office I got to meet with Wisconsin Public Television for an update on their upcoming documentary on Eau Claire. Then it was off to an interesting business lunch at the brand new Cowboy Jacks in Altoona’s rapidly developing River Prairie district. The afternoon saw us wrap up this issue of Volume One and prep for a weekend appearance with our Chippewa Valley Family publication at the first-ever Family Day in Downtown. A quick post-work stop at The Oxbow Hotel & The Lakely found visitors from several states in for drinks, dinner, and a night at the hotel. By 6pm I was with my family and a couple friends heading toward Mondovi for pizza, drinks, and some relaxing outdoor time at the amazingly refreshing Farm to Fork pizza farm. Once the kids were in bed, my wife held down the fort so I could check out the first official day of business at the fantastic Modicum Brewing Co. just off Hastings Way, where a number of friends had gathered to support the exciting new endeavor. After that, funny enough, a couple other friends were meeting up back at Cowboy Jacks where we had some late-night business talk with the owner discussing the new directions things seem to be heading. Now, we all have our own versions of what makes for a good day in the Chippewa Valley, but for me, that was a great one filled with the kinds of things that make living and working here so good. Here’s to a few more like that, a bit more often.