Note from the Editor | Nov. 27, 2014
We’re wrapping up this issue just in time for Thanksgiving. And while hopefully most of us have the opportunity to pause and think about the things we’re personally thankful for this time of year, I also want to mention a list of things Volume One is thankful for in 2014. That list includes but is not limited to: Pizza buffets. The Internet. Donations to the Confluence Project. The end of street construction on Bracket and Galloway. Dilly bars. Heating Pads. A growing comedy scene. Our ’67 Chevy V1 Van making it through another year. Jazz. Good thick, wooly socks. Pastries from Sue’s Deluxe Bake Shop. Innovative local partnerships. Gutsy entrepreneurs. Used toboggans. A thriving music scene that had almost fifty new releases this year. Free beer Fridays. Roundabouts. Hilly, snow-covered sled slopes. Thoughtful and intelligent online comments. A solid school system. Continued local economic growth. In-office massages. Anyone with a forward-thinking vision for our community’s future. Great bike trails and parks. Donuts. Critical local philanthropy. Beautiful waterways. Great neighborhoods. And of course, the loyalty of our readers, advertisers, and partners. Oh, and Christmas cookies.