Editor's Notes

Note from the Editor | April 11, 2013

Nick Meyer |

Things are starting to feel pretty good at the Volume One office, in much the same way I’m sure many of you are feeling. The thaw has finally arrived. There is sun. There is warmth. We can finally crack open the windows to hear the birds and smell the breeze. And I can now more fully appreciate not having to pay to either heat or cool a large office space! (That is truly exciting in a boring sort of way.) For this and many other reasons, I’m not sure I’ve ever looked forward to a spring as much as I have this one. And spring is well represented in this issue. It features our popular seasonal look at Home & Garden opportunities for the Chippewa Valley – just in time to get that yard ready for summer. And this issue has a feature story on that hot new local tech company everyone keeps talking about: JAMF Software. They’ve been quietly growing by leaps and bounds all while housed right in the heart of downtown Eau Claire. Recently they made a couple of huge announcements that have thrust them onto the local stage in a big way. Read more about those announcements and their company here.