Note from the Editor | Nov. 29, 2012
Nick Meyer, photos by Andrea Paulseth |
The staff at Volume One and The Local Store wanted to give a huge thanks to the hundreds of you who came out to support the store not only on Small Business Saturday (November 24th) but the whole “Black Friday” weekend in general. We were busy all three days, but the main event was definitely on Saturday as we were jam-packed with awesome local people hitting up locally-owned shops all over town. If you had to wait in a long line we’re sorry, but hopefully the spirit of it all (not to mention the free cider, hot chocolate, and cookies!) made the wait worthwile. Many of you also came out to full houses for the first two installments of our new Jingle Jams In-Store Concert Series. There are many more of those free, all-ages concerts coming up every Friday and Saturday at 7pm (see the ad on page 43), plus a number of other fun in-store happenings. Now if our community can turn the good vibes of Small Business Saturday into a weekly culture in the Chippewa Valley, things will be looking pretty good around here!