Progressive Film Fest Comes Back for More
For 10 days, the UWEC campus will be hosting its 6th Annual Eau Claire Progressive Film Festival from Friday, March 30 until Sunday, April 8. This year, they will feature 14 films all followed by a facilitated discussion to provoke thought and analysis among viewers. Film topics range from liberal inspirational comedies like the debut film of the festival, Made in Dagenham, to the financial crisis and civil rights issues. All showings will all take place in Hibbard Humanities Hall at the times listed on the opposite page with no admission cost to viewers. Bob Nowlan, a UWEC associate professor of English and founder/director of ECPFF, is responsible for the main organization and regulation of the festival. For the second year in a row, students from the Social Justice Living-Learning Community and Social Justice and Film and Music classes will play a substantial role in introducing the films and leading the discussions after.