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Eau Claire Express Want A Baseball History Center

Emily Anderson |

If you know anything about Eau Claire’s history, you know that baseball is an important part of it. Eau Claire’s first minor league team, the Eau Claire Bears, was formed in 1933. With former Milwaukee Brave/Brewer Hank Aaron as one of the team’s alumni, it’s kind of a big deal. For years, memorabilia such as pennants, signed balls, programs, etc. from the Bears and Braves have been kept in storage due to lack of display space. Now the Eau Claire Express are hoping to build a museum in Carson Park next to the baseball field that would serve as both a place to show off all of these historical pieces and the main office for the Express. If it is approved by the city council the project that is estimated to cost approximately $600,000 (some of which will be funded by donors) will hopefully begin this coming fall and be completed by next spring’s season.