Local Indpendence Radio Show Rockets to 3 Hours
local music and arts radio show extends to multi-hour format

If you don’t feel sated by one hour of Local Independence Sunday nights on WUEC or you can never quite catch that one spot, you will now be able to listen to three full hours of local and regional artists beginning March 14. Bolstered by the support of WPR, the student-produced radio show will expand to include more interviews, in-studio performances, and even more area music, according to Scott Morfitt, who created the show in 2007. “A lot of time the one hour shows felt like they were cut short right when they were picking up,” says David Smuhl, who began producing the show in 2009 in Morfitt’s absence. “Now we don’t have to do that.” The two will be working together to build content and listenership. They emphasize that they are always seeking submissions from local artists, musicians, and writers. Just get a hold of them at localindependence@gmail.com, and listen to podcasts of the show at VolumeOne.org.