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Charles Morgan

CD: done. label: created. recording studio: made.

Tyler Griggs, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

TRIPLE THREAT WITH A SIX STRING. Local musician Charles Morgan has recently launched a recording studio, a record label, and an album. And he hung up that blanket.

Charles Morgan stands beside a cloth Kurt Cobain poster that guards the entryway to Retina Records’ vocal tracking room. Dozens of thin black cords criss-cross the floor. A silver drum kit sits in one corner below an enormous PA speaker, and in another corner a Fender Stratocaster lies among stickered guitar cases. More guitars, basses, amplifiers, stage monitors, free weights, and hand drums adorn the room like furniture, and a single, bare energy-efficient light bulb illuminates the room from the center, casting shadows in all directions.

The studio proper may be a room in a house just outside of downtown Eau Claire, but Retina Records’ slogan, “You are the star, Retina just captures the light!” lends itself to Charles’ ambitious, locally focused mission. “I work a day job to put more money into music,” said Charles.

Through Retina Records, Charles seeks to record local and regional rock and hip hop talent, although he would not necessarily turn down other types of musicians. Charles also books “Retina Records Presents” performances, gigs featuring a lineup of artists under the Retina Records umbrella, to help cultivate a fan base for both the groups he has helped and for the label itself.

Two years ago, Morgan teamed up with Phil Taylor of the New Orleans post-grunge band Future Leaders of the World to record some of Charles’ solo material (the band’s 2004 album LVL IV peaked at No. 4 on the American Billboard charts). Taylor introduced him to John LeCompt, former guitarist of the goth metal band Evanescense, who sold 20 million albums since their 2003 debut Fallen. Along with former Evanescence drummer Rocky Gray, Charles recorded his first stab at the national music scene at LeCompt’s Little Rock, Arkansas studio, conjuring up a hard rock/post-grunge EP titled A Symphony From Psychosis.

Charles has toured the Midwest with Future Leaders of the World since then, including stops at Lake Hallie’s Two Waters Bar, and the song Can’t Have Me appeared on 99.9 The Carp’s Loud & Local before the radio station closed its doors in August.
Inspired by LeCompt’s Arkansas studio, Charles returned to Eau Claire with a dream to create his own studio. Forging Retina Records was underway. Charles has recorded demos for local hip-hop artists Fantom and Rainy and indie/punk rocker Chris Decker with the hope of providing demos to real local talent that otherwise may not have the money to pay for studio time.

“I want to have local ambitious kids who haven’t the means to record their music,” said Charles. “I want to give them a chance and help them with shows. Just how Phil (from Future Leaders of the World) has tried to get me into the national scene, I want to do the same for local people.” Donations are accepted, but as of now there is no formal cost to record with Retina Records.

Going forward, Charles will continue to record and promote Retina Records. In addition, Future Leaders of the World have expressed interest in including Charles in their summer 2010 tour with metal bands Sevendust and Earshot.

    For more information on Charles’ solo work, refer to, and inquire about Retina Records at or visit