Visual Art

A Gift of Art for the Formerly Homeless

Barbara Arnold, photos by Megan Johnson |

The Sojourner House, a homeless shelter owned and operated by Catholic Charities, and the Eau Claire Regional Art Center (ECRAC), have formed a unique partnership that is bringing art from ECRAC’s “Wine & Whimsy” and “Coffee & Canvas” workshops to newly housed individuals and families in the Chippewa Valley. Students in ECRAC’s workshops now have the chance to donate their creations at the end of class to Sojourner House. People there and newly housed can then select a piece of art made in the workshops. “Several families, as they move into their new home, have been excited to have something that gives it that ‘homey’ feel,” shares Roberta Kostka, development associate for Catholic Charities in Eau Claire. “Having the opportunity to pick out a painting has been a blessing.” Rose Dolan-Neill, Visual Arts Director for the ECRAC says: “When someone donates something personal that they’ve created, whether it is a quilt to keep people warm or a painting to inspire creativity and joy in a person’s life, they really feel a sense of community and know the positive impact they are making on people’s lives.”

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Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

The Local Store is adding vintage-style tees featuring the logos of famous former businesses we all know and love. We call the series Local Legends, and we want YOU to pick the tees we’ll make this year.

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contest ends Sun. Sep. 29