
Clear Water Comedy Adds Monthly Shows at Zymurgy Brewing, Mabel Tainter

Rebecca Mennecke |

Laughter is the best medicine – or at least that’s how the old saying goes. For folks in Menomonie searching for a good chuckle, look no further than the Mabel Tainter Theater and Zymurgy Brewing Co., where Clear Water Comedy is hosting a new series: Clear Water Comedy Presents. “We'll be bringing to Menomonie the kinds of acts we've been bringing to The Plus for nearly five years now, which are some of the best regional standups as well as some national acts that we catch on tour,” said Jordan Duroe, the co-founder and co-producer of Clear Water Comedy. They’re already a few shows into this season, but there’s still many upcoming shows featuring national touring acts, comedians from the Twin Cities and Chicago comedy scenes. They’ll have shows at Zymurgy Brewing Co. on the first Wednesday of every month for the rest of 2019. The next one will be on Wednesday, Sept. 4 and will have laughs from headliner Kelsey Claire Hagen, who's based in New York state, and feature Mackenzie Bublitz of Clear Water Comedy. The group has already hosted two shows at the Mabel Tainter Theater, and will host a third show on Wednesday, Aug. 28 with a showcase of Clear Water Comedy comedians and a few comics from the Twin Cities. “It’ll be a chance to see some of the funniest up-and-coming comics from the extended area,” Duroe said. If it goes well, they hope to make it a regular gig in 2020. The shows at Zymurgy are free, and the shows at the Mabel Tainter have group discounts. “We welcome anyone who wants to laugh,” Duroe said. More information on events can be found on Clear Water Comedy's Facebook page,

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