On Thursday, February 23, ArtsWest 38 held its opening reception and awards ceremony at the L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library in Eau Claire. ArstWest is a major juried exhibit for regional artists. This year's juror for the exhibit was David H. Wells, the Director of the Edgewood College Art Gallery and collections and an independent community-based curator in Madison, Wisconsin.  

Best of Show - Anders Shafer
First Prize - Lukas Carlson
Second Prize - Ann Lawton
Third Prize - Tiffany Lange

Honorable Mention - Debra Ferries
Honorable Mention - Gail Schellinger
Honorable Mention - Mark Anderson
Honorable Mention - Mary Hermanson
Honorable Mention - Sandra Starck
Honorable Mention - Daniel Atyim
Honorable Mention - Mary Jo Fox

Honorable Mention - Debra Ferries
Honorable Mention - Gail Schellinger
Honorable Mention - Mark Anderson
Honorable Mention - Mary Hermanson
Third Prize - Tiffany Lange
First Prize - Lukas Carlson
Best of Show - Anders Shafer
Honorable Mention - Sandra Starck
First Prize - Lukas Carlson
Honorable Mention - Daniel Atyim
Second Prize - Ann Lawton
Honorable Mention - Mary Jo Fox
Best of Show - Anders Shafer

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