The Local Store's Fall Supplier & Product Pitch Day

Local Store Shopkeep  |

Calling All Makers!

Make some money! Do you make any finished products you think would be a great addition to The Local Store? Or do you have the skills and the tools, but are open to ideas for what to create? We want to talk to you!

➜ Thursday, September 29 2016
2pm–8pm by appointment at the Local Store & Volume One Gallery
Signup Deadline: Sign up as soon as you can!

Make an appointment by contacting us at for details and set up an appointment soon. At your appointment, please have basic pricing, cost, and production time information ready to share, as well as samples of work to leave behind. 

Local Legends T-Shirt Poll

The Local Store is adding vintage-style tees featuring the logos of famous former businesses we all know and love. We call the series Local Legends, and we want YOU to pick the tees we’ll make this year.

Vote Here »

contest ends Sun. Sep. 29