
UPDATED (8/3): Tubing Prohibited in Eau Claire Until Water Testing Complete

Mike Paulus |

Eau Claire River
Eau Claire River

UPDATE: On August 3, the City of Eau Claire posted this message to its Facebook page: "The tubing launch at Phoenix Park in back in business! The tests from the Health Department are within the normal range."


On Thursday at a special press conference in Phoenix Park, city officials addressed a sewage leak in the Eau Claire River, near the confluence. On Wednesday the leak had prompted the city to prohibit tubing and other water recreation on much of the Eau Claire and Chippewa Rivers within the city limits.

Eau Claire’s Utilities Administrator Jeff Pippenger said the leak was detected on Tuesday during routine system checks. By 7am on Wednesday, a bypass was in place, stopping any discharge.

Testing of sand samples by the Eau Claire City-County Health Department on Wednesday – at the Phoenix Park tube launch, beneath the East Grand Avenue footbridge, and at the landing behind Hobbs Ice Center – showed no signs of harmful bacteria levels or contaminates. Samples at those locations were taken again on Thursday afternoon, with results to be released on Friday. More testing will follow.

The leak is from a cast iron pipe installed in 1939. The system uses two pipes beneath the river, so one can be shut off for repairs such as this. Pippenger said before repairs can be made, a contractor must be selected and plans must be designed.

Officials aren’t sure when they’ll declare the river open again, but if the Health Department’s testing goes well, it shouldn’t be long. Basically – no tubing until further notice.

Shane Sanderson, Director of Environmental Health & Laboratory, said the tube launch in Phoenix Park is considered a beach, so the water is checked for bacteria and contaminates at least once a month. Routine tests at the landing on Monday of this week showed no danger.

Sanderson said the primary risk when a body of water has toxic bacteria levels is  ingestion of the contaminated water.

City officials will hold another press conference on Friday, July 29 (noon) at the trailhead in Phoenix Park to offer updates.