TODAY - 11am to 7pm Food Trucks @ Phoenix Park

The Most Widely Available Beer in Wisconsin

James Johonnott |

Let there be lite.
Let there be lite.

Wisconsin may consume more beer than the rest of the country, but that hardly makes us alone in our love of the stuff. Every region has its tastes; from the big three macrobrews, to the blue ribbon, to beers so obscure that no one's even heard of them yet. When visiting an unfamiliar bar or restaurant, crawling through the beer menu can be a head-scratching experience. This map, put together by Pricenomics, measures 6,000 bars and restaurants and over 20,000 different beers, showing which beer you're most likely to find on menus in any given state.

Today in Wisconsin's unsurprising beer news ... <a href=
Today in Wisconsin's unsurprising beer news ... get a closer look.

If you like Miller Lite, you're in luck: you've got a 62% chance of finding on a menu in Wisconsin. There are a few more interesting Sconnie stats to come out of this, though. It looks like those numbers are coming from everywhere but Milwuakee, because 69% of bars and restaurants in Milwaukee carry New Glaurus Spotted Cow, 43% carry PBR, and 69% don't carry Miller, Bud, or Coors Lite. Madison (unsurprisingly) has the distinction of being tied with St. Louis for having the most PBR available. Maybe we should consider a little more variety in our refreshments. I say we should have national "try a new beer day."