Packers Fans Amongst NFL's Most Grammatically Correct
Take solace cheeseheads. You may not have gotten last season’s Lombardi, but you do know how to spell it. Because it clearly needed to be done, Geoff Foster at the Wall Street Journal ranked the 32 teams of the NFL by grammar and spelling proficiency. The score was devised by taking 150 fan comments of 50 words or greater on the news section of each team’s NFL page and running them through Grammarly, an automated grammar and spellcheck service. Packers fans did great – rating 31st in worst spelling with only 5.1 mistakes per 100 words. This is considerably better than the NFL average of 9.9, and the worst offender (in more ways than one) in the league: the Washington Redskins with a whopping 16.5. Foster was sure to note that there is no correlation between an NFL team’s fans having clean copy and the team being better at football, but I’m just going to go ahead and call this another win for Pack.