Wisconsin Fall Color Report reports Wisconsin's fall colors

Mike Paulus |

Click on the map above for interactive color reporting.  (Just kidding, Clicky McClickerson. Go here for the interactive voodoo.)
Click on the map above for interactive color reporting.
(Just kidding, Clicky McClickerson. Go here for the interactive voodoo.)

You better hurry up and make your leaf-looking plans, local leaf-looking fans! Eau Claire County is currently at 30% Autumn-ness, with an estimated Go Look at the Awesome Trees Cuz It Only Gets Browner from Here Time (a phrase of our own invention) around the 2nd week of October. Who says? Travel Wisconsin says.

The Wisconsin Fall Color Report on Travelwisconsin.com gives you up-to-date color percentages for the tree clothing in each of Wisconsin’s glorious counties –   and while we're at only 30% color, things will be changing quickly this year. Meanwhile, Dunn County is sitting at 25% color, while Chippewa County's leaf bearers are in the lead at 40%.

But hey, if you need to  experience the mysterious wonders of chlorophyll deprivation RIGHT NOW, scoot over to Clark County – currently enjoying 75% color.

According to Travel Wisconsin, they've got 100 fall color reporters providing updates in all 72 counties of the state, and there is no other report that's as comprehensive or timely. And since we know of no other fall color reports, we believe 'em.