5 fantastic photos of ye olde Eau Claire

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Check out these here crazy ol' photos from Eau Claire's distant and not-so-distant past. The images where found within the fantastic historical photo collections maintained by The Chippewa Valley Museum and The L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, and/or the You Know You're From Eau Claire When… Facebook group.

No description comes to us witht hese lovely, musical ladies. One can only imagine the amazing sounds they
Why we no longer have a local accordion orchestra is beyond us.
(These lovely, musical ladies come to us with no description.)
No one drives tiny cars like The Shriners. (Barstow Street, downtown Eau Claire.)
Have you made the fezervations? (Barstow Street, downtown Eau Claire.)
People used to have a lot more fun with the Eau Claire River.
People used to have a lot more fun on over the Eau Claire River.
Hell of a car, hell of a coat, hell of a beard. Barstow Street, Eau Claire.
No one is happy about this car. (Barstow Street, Eau Claire)
Pretzel shop of yore, London Square Mall, Eau Claire.
Pretzel shop of yore. (London Square Mall, Eau Claire.)